
Skills Bank Tellers are Expected to Learn for a Long Term Career in Banking

A bank teller is usually the first person with whom the general public interacts with in order to get their banking transactions done. Some of the services a bank teller is commonly expected to perform are – receiving, processing and distributing money, cashing payroll checks, receiving loan payments, exchanging foreign currency, issuing traveler's checks, etc. A job as a bank teller is a double edged sword. It can be equally challenging and rewarding because of the huge responsibilities that go with it. Since a teller has to deal with public money, he or she is required to display highest levels of integrity, patience, customer service, analytical skills, speed of work, etc. In this article we shall study what skills an individual should have in order to become a successful bank teller. Skills Required for Becoming a Successful Bank Teller: Bank teller classes and training programs provide guidance on the following aspects so as to make a teller competent in performing his job effectively - • Understanding Banking Terminology: If you are thinking of having a long and highly rewarding banking career, you need to understand the banking terminology well. The world of banking is vast and complicated, but making an early start can really help. • Cashing or Depositing Checks: Bank tellers are trained in such a manner so that they can find out whether a check is legal and correct in all respects or not. • Analytical and Numerical Skills: A bank teller has to deal with public money and hence needs to be fast and accurate in his calculations. These classes try to hone up the analytical and numerical skills of individuals through different ways. • Selling Techniques: Selling additional saving accounts is a part of the sellers job and hence he or she needs to learn the art of selling, when to pitch for the add-ons, how to fully convince the customer, etc. • Working in a Team: A bank teller needs to interact with other bank staff, time to time. He or she should know how to address critical issues, manage conflicting situations, deal with difficult customers etc, in order to complete his job well in time.

