
Time Management Solutions – Leaving the House on Time in the Morning

Recent research has shown that we, parents, all share the same problem: Leaving the house on time in the morning can be the most stressful part of the day for the entire family.For the parent, arriving on time to work, to the school bus’ stop etc. is important. The child is not always aware of the importance of these, or is unable to act accordingly, which can lead to arguments and unpleasantness which is not necessarily typical to the family.Nobody in the family wants to begin his day like this, leaving parents frustrated and the children do not always understand why.In order to help the child perceive the passing of time and enable him to manage it, Tick Task can be a valuable time management solution for children.Tick Task is an analog clock which works on an hourly time-frame. The red minute hand stands out and points to the specific task on the panel. The Tick Task comes with 4 panels, representing critical hours of the day: morning, afternoon and evening, and works with 40 magnets. How can Tick Task help your child in the morning?Because time is an abstract and elusive concept, even adults need the means to tell the time without aids such as clocks and calendars, otherwise it could be difficult. This task is even more complex for children who don’t know how to use these tools.Using the analog clock of Tick Task will make time more real for the child. He will learn how to look at the clock and understand that when the hands move, time is going by and that a task needs to be done. What task follows which, and how much time is needed for each? All of these are made real for the child when he looks at the task. Without needing to tell the time, even very young children quickly grasp this principle.Together with the parent, the child can be involved with preparing the sequence of tasks.This involvement will reinforce his sense of responsibility and cooperation with all the family.Leaving the house on time thus becomes a mutual goal when the child understands what is expected of him and how he can achieve it.His sense of control will increase and he will be able to decide what task  he will have to concentrate on first  and when, as the Tick Task continually reminds him.As time goes by, Tick Task makes the child more independent and less needy of the parent’s supervision. Parental support remains but with less ‘nagging and policing’. Tick Task as a Time Management Solution for ParentsMany parents find it difficult to be consistent. Under pressure with their own tasks, parents often find it challenging to manage their child’s routine.Tick Task obliges the parents to be more consistent and maintain a constant routine using the magnets. It could also help avoiding negative habits like watching TV during eating or dressing. If you want to keep TV in the morning routine, it is recommended that you use it as an incentive, and attach the magnet at the end of the critical morning preparation. This allows an efficient performance without needless conflicts. Tick Task’s auditory remainder system can remind parents that the time has come for the child to move onto the next task, thus making their job much easier.

