
The Naked Truth Behind Distracted Driving Review

The Nation is truly alarmed with statics of 6,000 people in American a year are killed by driving distracted, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Why are celebrities like Oprah Winfrey announcing campaign to save lives by spreading the words of "NO PHONE ZONE"? Oprah Winfrey said it best, "A call or text isn't worth taking a life".Driving distracted has increase with teenagers all over the world the statics are overwhelming 75% of all American teens ages 12-17 own a cell phone, and 66% use their phones to send or receive text messages.Older teens are more likely than younger teens to have cell phone and use text messaging; 82% of teens ages 16-17 have cell phone and 76% of that cohort are cell texters48% of teens from the age of 12-17 said they have been in a automobile driving was texting40% of teens say they have been in danger when a driver has been driving distractedTexting and using cell phone has become a mainstream in the U.S. it's a habit we all need to break. In several states including California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, Oregon Washington, and Virgin Islands has already passed laws to ban all texting or talking with a handheld phone while driving.President Obama has in agreed to support the "NO PHONE ZONE" by forbidding federal workers from texting while driving government vehicles or their own vehicles while on the job. It's not only texting or being on your cell phone it could be eating, smoking, and changing the radio station. This could be hazard of being distracted driving to the public.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration did a research back in 2008 there were 5,870 fatalities and an estimated 515,000 people were injured in police reported crashes in which at least 1 from of driver distraction was reported. The highest incidences of distracted driving occur with 20 and under age group.Many parents are looking for solutions that can save their teenage from committing such acts. The danger is great for teenager; however, some feel its okay because everyone does it. This is why it has been a national call to action taking place by participants such as, Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and Mo'Nique, entertainer and entrepreneur Tyler Perry, and Olympic superstar Shaun White. They are all standing with Oprah's "NO PHONE ZONE" by taking a pledge that refrain from using their cell phone when driving.We encourage you to join us on the crusades to share more awareness to help people and save more lives. If you want to learn more on how to prevent the dangers of being a distracted driver grab your FREE REPORT at http://fdidrivingdistracted.blogspot.com/

