
Private Christian Schools In California

Private Christian Schools in California We've traveled from Boston to Hawaii and then throughought the West Coast. After all of the moving and depleting our savings account we finally feel like we've landed in our sweet spot. We currently live in Redding California. Where the mountains wrap around the valley like city of a population just over 100,000 people. Redding is quiet and beautiful. Although sometimes the heat can get to you in the summer. The gracious people mixed with the abundant scenery of snow top mountains make you think you've discovered a peice of heaven. There is actually a reason why our family chose Redding California out of all places to live on the earth. It's no question that we are here for an amazing church called Bethel. The pastor Bill Johnson along with co-pastors Kris Valloton and Danny Silk including the amazing staff make it a truly peice of heaven indeed. One of the biggest joy's in our life right now is our son Elijah. He has, hmmm...let me say srung up from his God given well's of creativity, originality, and confidence like we've never seen him before. One of the biggest reasons for this is the private christian school that he's attending. So, did you know that Bethel has a pre-k through 8th grade? It's a private school that is ridiculously amazing. I was blown away when I found out the the 1st graders phrophesy! Not only that, but when my son gets a phropesy about him. The teachers will write it down and create a file for him. This file is given to him when he graduates from the 8th grade. What kind of private school does that? Only the best private school in my opinion. Anyway, there are soooo many things I could glamour about the Redding area. The food could use a bit of help as far as variety but the beautiful lakes, creeks, hunting and fishing, and the best church and the best private christian school in the whole world make me want to plant some serious roots. You know planting roots and settling down hasn't felt this good since I can remember. Wow, I must really like it here.

