
The important of balanced education

I always believe in a balanced education to be a complete person with wisdom. What I meant by balanced education is living skill, physical,  art, science, mental and spiritual.  We must have a right mix of these elements to be a really successful in this world.Basic living skill includes skill of  climbing a tree, swimming, prepare a tent, prepare a food as if you are send to a new location or place then this skill will ensure you can survive. This basic living skill can also be classified as survival skill. This living skill can easily be worked out together with physical education.Most of modern development today is a coming or originated from a good understanding of science. We need to further develop this skill to introduce more new technology. But science without art will lack of dynamics, creativity and innovation. Art and science have to be developed by combining each strength.We need to develop more wisdom within our community. The above mentioned skill and knowledge alone will not be able or reach a level of wisdom. It will just create a creature of arrogant, selfish and beast.  Yes a beast that I describe it as an animal with a brain. We will destroy this world for sure. We human are better than that!!Our beast instinct need to be tame with our spiritual knowledge. I'm very sure that this world and the entire things within are created for human being. We are given huge responsibility to manage this world. What ever happen today is based on our own doing. We cannot blame the bird, tiger, moon, stars, tree for the destruction that is happening today. We are the one who cutting the trees, sucking the deep oil, digging mines, flatted that mountain and much more cruel acts. There is no other creature for us to blame.Why we do this kind of things? the answers is simple because we lack of spiritual knowledge, we lack of wisdom. Now, where can we get this spiritual knowledge? This is where the religion is playing its part in our daily life. Before I move any further, let tease our brain. Do you believe in God? How many god(s) there are? How they created us and the entire world? How they like? Is the world will be here forever? if not then what is our final destination? Or we just in a journey to a final destination? where is our final destination? Is there heaven and hell? Who will go to heaven and who will go to hell. If you believe that we are all from monkey then what will be our next body or evolution.If you do not have the answers for the above questions then I'm suggesting to you to do a bit of research of the available religions that exist today this world. Finally, there will be only one true religion. I hope you can find it!! good luck.

