
What Does It Take To Be A Top-Notch Executive Assistant?

What does a Top Notch Executive Assistant do? So simple, yet for the inexperienced Executive Assistant the position and the tasks involved can be difficult. The Executive Assistant is the ‘The Gate Keeper’, the point-of-contact or face of the company, she is the one that manages the Executive’s calendar, screens calls and routes calls the Executive might wish to avoid, coordinates travel, and meetings. The E.A. is adept at maximizing the Executive’s time preparing agendas. Executive Assistants have been said to hold all the power, but as the saying goes, ‘with greater privilege comes greater responsibility’. The Executive Assistant is Personal Assistant and Office Manager. She manages most aspects of the daily operations in the office and the ever-efficient Executive Assistant is always looking for ways to streamline operations, reduce redundancy, and cut costs. She is the go-see person regarding office supply inventory and maintenance services. What does it take to be a Top-Notch Executive Assistant?Stay Sharp!You must be able know your boss and stay one step ahead of him. You will with time get to know his needs and you learn to anticipate his wants. You´ll be surprised how quickly you both fall into a rhythm, although this is not an excuse for complacency. Stay sharp! Stay on your toes! I Need It Now!A Top-Notch Executive Assistant knows everything is needed right now (or yesterday), so skip the morning bagel with extra cream cheese if it makes you lethargic. Do have the double espresso if that will help you hit the ground running first thing in the morning. A sense of urgency permeates everything an Executive Assistant does for her boss, so remember to try to keep on top of all of your essential tasks and be flexible for any curve balls that might be thrown your way throughout the day. This brings me to my next point… PrioritizePrioritize! As a Top-Notch Executive Assistant you will be busier than a juggler at Barnum Bailey Circus under the Big Top any day of the week! The ability to multi-task is essential in managing your time efficiently and realistically. The WhirlwindA fast paced environment is not for everyone, but for the Executive Assistant supporting a C-level executive she thrives in an environment that others may find challenging. However, we shouldn’t confuse fast paced with chaotic, many Executive Assistant’s are integral to keeping the office running in motion like a well-oiled machine. This requires someone who puts a high priority on accuracy and efficiency. Be OrganizedA Top-Notch Executive Assistant is highly organized! She can find files with her eyes closed, recall names with precision, remember phone numbers, and recollect addresses/directions in the blink of an eye. She is a whiz on Microsoft Outlook, Blackberry, and other PDAs. Remain C.A.L.M.The ability to remain C.A.L.M. is vital for every Top-Notch Executive Assistant. In the event a wrench is thrown in the mechanism of her well-oiled machine and brings it to a crashing halt, she must keep C.A.L.M. Calculate- think quickly where is the wrench, how to remove it, and repair the office machine back to its former smooth operation.Assess- evaluate the situation; how much time do you have to repair, if needed who can you use (and trust) to assist in repairs?Logical- do not hyperventilate; breathe deeply to keep blood flowing to the brain rather than flowing to your hands and feet causing you to gesticulate and stomp around angrily. Even when all seems lost, there is always an open window when all doors are closed. A sense of humor is imperative to helping you remain C.A.L.M. and defusing what may already be a tense situation. Motivated - now that you know what the problem is, how it can be fixed, and what you need to do now is the time to take action and do it. Do not allow the discouragement of a seemingly ‘ruined’ day deter you from taking a course of action. Fix the problem enthusiastically and remember to learn from the situation, next time you will have a backup plan if that wrench ever finds it way into your well-oiled office machine!  Communication SkillsThe biggest fear of most people is the public speaking! They can write a Pulitzer-prize novel but God forbid they have to summarize it to a room full of people. I have heard Americans say they would listen to a group of Londoners, regardless of the education level before they would listen to educated people from their hometowns. I was astounded! How could that be? The reason I later discovered is the English from the London area and southern part of England(no disrespect to the Midlands) speak more articulately than we do as Americans. We have the tendency to truncate our words and mumble our speech. This poor manner of speaking may do in the privacy of your home, with family, and friends, but this is unacceptable in the workplace. While, I will not discuss the use of obscene language in the workplace, one word of caution, even if your boss uses obscene language that does not mean you should follow course. Remember, communication skills are essentials for all Executive Assistants. This includes interpersonal skills…next point…  Interpersonal SkillsGrace under pressure, it is more than just the title of a comedy show that aired years ago, it is actually an expression you will live by in challenging situations. It must be said that sometimes you may not be facing a challenging situation, it could be you just got up on the wrong side of the bed. Sounds personal, that is because it is, remember that is your problem. You are the face of the company and you are there to make the Executive shine. Not everyone can smile like a Flight Attendant, but it won’t hurt to try to smile at least 70-80% of the time. You look better smiling, you will feel better smiling, and people are more likely to approach you when you are smiling. Its free and (like yawning) it’s contagious!Now you are on your way to becoming a Top-Notch Executive Assistant www.executivegirlfriday.blogspot.com

