
Part Time Editing Jobs - Follow My Easy 6 Step Blueprint!

Most part time editing jobs consist of the essential changes a copy editor makes to get any websites or real world copy ready for publishing.Unlike the editor of a magazine your will not be changing the format or substance of the copy, but basically laying the groundwork for the proofreader.Fro those of you that don't know what copy is, I'm referring to the promotional text you see in books, magazines or on a website.All this has to be edited to check the styling and format before it is sent to the proofreader.There are five Cs in part time editing jobs that you need to: * Clear -  Remove any unnecessary words and replace long words with something more understandable. * Correct - Look for any obvious mistakes in the copy. * Concise - Don't let the writer ramble on when a few short sentences will do. * Complete - Make sure that all the ideas have been covered fully in the copy. * Consistent - Look for any parts of the copy that might be contradictoryYour goal with part time editing jobs is to make the copy "say what it means, and mean what it says".How to find part time editing jobs?1. Go onto google and type in one of your hobbies as a search term. For instance you may choose ‘trout fishing'.2. Next you want to visit the top ten websites and make a list of all the ones that produce a large amount of content in text format.3. Collect the contact details from the websites.4. Craft a introduction letter explaining how you can help the site have more accurate copy and why that will be beneficial to the site owner.5. Send out your messages and if you don't hear anything in two day send a follow up email.6. Follow this process everyday.SETTING EXPECTATIONSYou're not going to get a bunch of work right away, but with daily effort you will start to see the jobs coming in.You could also hit a website like GURU.com for a list of current part time editing jobs on the market, but there will be a lot of competition for that kind of work so you might want to try it the manual way first.

