
The Most Absent Student of the Year

The Most Absent Student of The YearArjuna heard the verses directly from Lord Krishna to comfort himself on battlefield not to enjoy the juicy, romancing stories of the Lord Krishna with different women . There was time to listen Stories in lap of Grandpapa. But when you are in school or college .You need to know what to listen , learn and unlearn certain things in life to really make good career . Some students remain part of the community called “Absenteeism” . They continue to enjoy the feeling of “Out Cast or Cast Out“from a regular class for different reasons . As a student : You are not expected to surpass all the wisdom of Vedas or solve the unsolved Equations of Albert Einstein or Newton. But learn , build the abilities to solve simple questions which will solve the issue of unemployment or joblessness your self. But do Schools really prepare you for employment and to face real life. What ever may be your answer , point to be noted is that both kinds of people are produced every year by these schools : One who gets employment and the Other who do not get the employment . It is your choice , what league you want to join with joy .What if Albert Einstein Comes to Train you at your College to teach “Theory of Relativity” ?What if Newton comes to train you at your College to ” Laws of Motions “? What if Malika Sherawat come train you on “Art of Kissing “?What if Amitabh Bachhan and Shaharuk Khan come to train you on “How to become rich in famous Tele Serial KBC “?What if Bill Gates comes to your College to train you on “How to create a Visual basic Program and make money” ?What if Lord Krishna himself come to train you on “Art of Romance “ ?What if Goddess Sarswati herself come to your College to Train you “How to become students “ ?What do think ! . What will be Attendance of the above said classes of these celebrities . Yes , you are right .There will still be some students who will awarded for been “Most Absent Student of The Year”.

