
Make success of a tough suffocating job in times when loosing a job is not an option!

You may doubt that you are in the right relationship? You may wonder if the relationship gives u more than take away? You doubt if things can work out at all!! Your friend is ignoring you!! You believe you choose the wrong job!!These circumstances indicate that you are in the "Doubt Zone" !!Doubt leads to -----> A lack of confidence which in turn comes from lack of trust in your-self, in your decisions, in your choices.Doubt is the venom that used in it's pure form can kill you and in form another save your life!!! The form that can save your life is called "Trust".A moment more of the pure form and you will be churned and turned around in the doubt zone mixer..Make a move and hang in there to establish the new state of being—Trust.I invite you to make the shift and start trusting yourself..Trust your decisions, choices, your abilities and skills… I invite you to commit and be accountable for exercising your "Trust Muscle" …1. Visualize your toolbox that you can invoke anytime. The toolbox contains a simple and powerful tool..the "Trust Spear". 2. Start using your "Trust Spear" by saying this every day -- 20 times a day--- I trust my decisions, my choices, my abilities, my skills..3. If you find yourself stuck in a situation, or are bashing yourself for making a wrong choice, or in the right or wrong mode: invoke your "Trust Spear"..-------------------For example, you are trying to change your profession. As a teenager, your parents or society influenced you to become a doctor. Hoever, years down the line your heart is still not in the profession. You take a bold step to do something else. After several tries you still do not find much success. I invite you to try this exercise:At this point, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and ask "How much do I trust my decision and ability to make this shift.?" "What do I gain by the level of trust I have?" Make a note of your answers, if wish to further explore this or a similar situation, feel free to contact me for coaching…A true application of the "Trust Spear":_-An example from my life's pages..I have been presented with circumstances when I joined a job where in the first week my role was dissolved, I changed 10 supervisors in less than two years, threatened by a peer for sharing correct status etc, and worked with a supervisor who refused to give me a 1:1 and when he did said he thought I was on someelse's team. :) Yes every word here is true!! When they realized I was a hard nut and believed in persistence they decided to take their last shot.. give a blow to my values, esteem, my being, my very strength.. I was bummed for a few hours as I saw it affecting me financially amonst other things, then I invoked the " Trust Spear".. I told myself that I trusted my choice, decision to stay in the job till the last drop of blood..I trust that my financial commitments will be addressed. This made me look at the cover that "She" had provided..Trusting myself allowed me to see the canvas "She" had provided and spread out with such love and care, full of colors, joy, and newness..I decided that I have to stop worrying about the tough task of facing the worry of paying off the financial commitment and miss the canvas awaiting ahead...:) My Trust Spear helps me not to seek validation from others..I invoke my spear and say this to myself I trust myself, I trust the universe, I trust that she is taking care of me!!...Limitless TrustCome to us for career coaching - we help you to succeed by triggering tools, methods, that are a part of you and not someone elses. This makes it easy, simple, and life long because it is you--Ab Initio! We offer special coacching for women. We me with several years of experience in learning and use your learning style to accelerate your growth.Visit us at http://www.abinitiolearning.com/coaching.php

