
10 Hottest Areas In It Industry In 2009

Nearly two months have past this year and third one is already here.., But it seems we are yet to start this year with joyful note on the prospects of jobs in IT industry .Things are different now , there is mass hysteria all encompassing the world for joblessness . Youth , vigor and direction is in all time high confusing and we need some one to come guide us to the right chooses in career so that every is not spend in dismay and hopelessness towards career path .No angle coming so soon to help us come out this economic slow down , all we need is find right options and courage to sail through this economic transformation .Courage is not only required at the Pakistani border for an Indian soldier , but in every sphere of life , and we must differentiate types of " Courage, Bravery and audacity " before we read this quick guide .One Type of Courage is when you must have it : before you do some thing which needs ability to achieve some thing extra ordinarily .One Type of Courage is when you may not have courage before doing some thing extra-ordinary but you achieve high level of confidence , brevity and courage once you do it .Kid normally not know what they can do! and what they cannot do ? Some peoplehave never been in such situation , as these extra –ordinary circumstance were never there in this world earlier , Such conditions can never be taught in a B-School . but they need to over come , so we will we over come this economic new level with right choices in IT as follows .a) Help Desk/ Technical Support :b) Enterprise Storage & Data Recoveryc) Securityd) Information Architecturee) Business Intelligencef) Cloud Computingg) Desktop Visualizationh) Embedded Systemsi) Application Coding and Customizationj) Project Management .We , at (www.ecologic.co.in) Ecologic Corporation understand the art of fighting this unprecedented economic impact happening around with right kind of wisdom and carrer path chooses for our trainees and students.

