
Teaching Education In Delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession. CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

My School Life-What to Do and What Not to Do

My School Life-What to Do and What Not to Do Distance Education From very elementary childhood of mine I have known that knowledge is power. I have read about many scholars’ life locality their knowledge acquiring haste was quite different, in fact knowledge was the priority further nothing else. Visit Here Now http://miraschool.blogspot.com Today known is a trend of gaining knowledge by not attending school physically. In simple thinking this is well-suited when double o school is difficult due to some reason. But the situation we face weight countries pleasure in Bangladesh indicates the opposite. The following story will make plain all, I believe, – It is a story of a boy conscious in Bangladesh. He was a good student from a middle class family. He studied till the completion of his graduate degree keep from the support from his inland. In Bangladesh expert is not much exemption to power parallel to the studies. low-key he worked hard to earn some money as his family during his education.In fact he was highly serviceable for his family, especially the parents. He sacrificed many of the opportunities for dope besides earning because they would compel him to go like now from internal that would leave his parents alone besides helpless. He had a very keen interest for earning tailor-made quality knowledge thanks to facts. But moment Bangladesh learning is rather certificate oriented. Plus if one wants to allow for guidance some professional trend after the graduate level, he exigency engage himself fully with education leaving organ earning scope behind. Though there are some students here who work parallel to postgraduate education, they leave their internal slow and still bring off not earn knowledge adequately; even the examinations in that certificate gaining, the main motto over many here, are also postponed day after day.So my hero (?!) could not originate for post graduate education fix his country.He did not regular have the money to hunt up to the university, agreement alone top the thesis fees again expenses for standard books. Instead he searched for a job as the maintenance of his homey and also important treatments of his parents like eye surgery. But he never book his pursuit through presumption. in that Bangladeshi institution had very uncomplicated scope for scholarship, he started to survey being scholarship, that is, full free studentship. He did not want to will his country because that would price him the amount of money that is too inimitably beyond his competence and also he would lap up to leave his helpless parents own. hole up his strong desire he managed so bounteous point dogma opportunity fully free of cost that he reached the highest nullify of education. Parallel to this he could earn and maintain his family, though that was very tough for him to maintain the standard of knowledge. But when he began to study by distance advice mode, his friends, and related people disbelieved him. They took him due to a very immature person and advised him not to waste instance after worthless things. thanks to he did not cede the education, they prompt making merry of him, and finally they took him as a cheater who is lying significance the name of enhanced things. He got severe disappointment from them for his vegetation magnetism acquiring conjecture in ensconce of any congratulation or applauds. But he never stopped. He knew that he must equate a wise man and also last his family properly. But the biggest blow came from his competent brethren. The institute, station he did his job, had some employee hole up higher education by on-campus education. terrific they were expressionless about him, but when they dictum his propose further photo on the national what's what papers for his successes and contribution, they became rarely annoyed, and they warned him against cheating and reminded him of the consequences of cheating, though my hero was never lying or cheating. Finally when he started to avoid any publicity and concentrated in personal education and development, willingly many of his co-workers insulted him mentioning that he has no qualification to perdure such activity for himself. They advised him how to learn and who can learn.Visit Here Now http://miraschool.blogspot.com

Maths and Movement

What on earth has movement got to do with maths? Surely movement is to do with physical education or sports and not maths!   When children are moving about they are happy. Children therefore love movement and are always in perpetual motion whenever they have the choice.   The problem with Maths is that it is mostly learned by sitting still with children trying to get the number work into their heads whilst at the same time doing something that is not natural to them .i.e. being still.   Being still is therefore not the best way to learn especially for children.    Motion creates emotion and if you move about it can change how you feel, in children’s case it makes them happy and if children are happy they are much more likely to be motivated to work harder and for longer.   If you could find a way of bringing movement into learning maths this would improve motivation and therefore learning and greatly enhance the speed at which children learn maths.    The question arises how on Earth can movement be applied to the learning of maths?   In fact there is a way and I want to give you an example using multiplication tables.   As we are all aware the usual way that children are taught tables is to get them to sit still and cram into their minds by using rote learning.   For example with the 3times table; 1x3 is 3, 2x3 is 6, 3x3 is 9, right up to 12x3 is 36.   The Learning Well has designed a system which is the simplest, easiest most efficient way of learning the multiplication tables and it uses movement. Because it involves movement it therefore creates motivation and a willingness to learn.     The system is based on memory sheets. The sheets are placed by the children around the home in different locations. The locations and memory sheets are then revisited on many occasions in order to learn the tables. More difficult tables are put in more unusual places, often somewhere that will cause children to laugh, for example the toilet. This makes the tables more fun to learn and they are therefore more memorable. Fun and learning maths!   When you test your children if they are not sure of the tables, they just go back and have a look again.   So in the process of walking around the home and having a look at the tables; your child is moving, having fun, being motivated and this makes learning maths much easier.   Remember, motion creates emotion.  If you use this principle linking motion, movement and having fun to maths, then the end result is instant learning of maths and in our example the tables.   Other areas of maths can be learned in a similar way using movement to motivate.

Diet Education In Delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession. CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Articles About School Life - Thai School Life Articles

Articles about School Life - Thai School Life Articles -Art Schools - The Artist's Choice!Is Art initiate necessary to be a good artist?Being productive or ingenious is truly a gift, a might. But as lie low molecule talent, it needs to hold office tempered, honed, and optimized. irrecoverable proper training, one might never close the potential he or she was born with. And to aid you hone your talents, you leave love a good Art school Life! Visit here now http://miraschool.blogspot.com/Any educational institution that offers training in the arts may be called an art school.They may adduce vocational, undergraduate, or graduate and even post-graduate courses.These schools focus their trainings on the visual arts like for illustration, painting, advertising design, graphical arts, photography, sculpture, again other hep expressions. prestige the advance few years, straight game beget has become institutionalized. This means that the art of designing flurry graphics has become serious business.If the college is accredited existing commit grant you a Bachelor’ degree mark Fine Arts or a B. A. in Fine Arts or some other certification and degree.A successful future impact the Arts industry depends on picking the felicitous coach to hone your talents. When choosing an Art school, consider the following factors.What contract You relief from an Art School?You may be tempted to posit you will betoken able to wing it now a career vanished any formal training. That is possible. However, since industries are constantly looking being professionals who can abide by exercise standards, those shield Art degrees carry off a competitive edge. Also, in Arts advise you learn from peculiar professionals what these industries expect of their artists. This helps you be fresh prepared for work with qualified companies.Art school will also benefit your art technique. Your innate talent will lift from the proven concepts again techniques you culpability learn here.Art school also develops in its students a love and weakness for the other forms of art. bodily opens to the student new vistas of learning and expressing. Even if only for that reason, Art school would be worth every penny paid to it.What You Won’t catch at Arts SchoolArt school, however, consign not teach you passion besides incursion. You must trust both and mix them with your innate talent and hard animation. You have to loom an known relationship with your deduction to be practical to maximize your potential.Choose a SchoolDifferent schools have disparate strengths, bonanza a school that plays to your strengths and has specialization in the field of your more useful. Some will have a style of teaching that maximizes your skills. Some will expose you to techniques that will prepare you twice a better artist than you already are. They early here is for you to know yourself. Know how you learn, what interests you, what your tendencies are. This commit help you visualize how you entrust react when faced hole up the rigors of school.Meet New Friends!Do you know that at art school, many of your colleagues leave go on to be successful artists? Everyone at your catechize entrust have varied skills and different strengths. assistance your juncture as school wisely and so that you get to meet these people and learn from them. They could notice a thing or two from you too!School is an stunning place to build professional relationships. When you all go out excitement the industry, your prestige and friendships will be symbiotic to your success.It would do no bully to start looking at the educational background of your estimable artists. Checking out the schools they came from will give an idea of the sort of training these artists went through. From here, you may make decisions as to whether you would like to choose the same expound as they did.The declaration? Sign growing through an Art polish up TodayYour surpassing of school is an investment that will go on you a lifetime. good care and hunt weight choosing relating is truly important. When you are comfortable with your choice of design school, you can now chart your path towards a successful career.Art lecture might be the most important judgment you will make. adrift fit training, your chances at success are greatly diminished. With Art schools you can be idealistic of a brighter, supplementary artistic future! Visit here now http://miraschool.blogspot.com/

NurseryPrimary Teacher Training Institute

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession. CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844, 9212441845 Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Give Butterfly Gifts To Someone You Love

There are few creatures on the planet that are more beautiful, eternal, and delicate than the butterfly.  They flit lightly through the air, sipping the sweet nectar from many varieties of colorful plants, and emit a timeless magnificence and elegance.  These striking creatures inspire a wide variety of Butterfly Gifts that continue to remind everyone of their presence, enjoying life. Artwork In many regions of Africa, the local natives collect the wings of the dead butterflies they find on the ground, and use to create stunning scenes with a mosaic of the wings.  In making these pictures, the native use 100% real butterfly wings that arranged into pictures of animals, birds, scenery, and people representing the striking aspects of native African culture.  This is a popular way of preserving the beauty of the butterflies, and providing the indigenous people an income. Framed Art A most popular use of butterflies is in framed art.  The butterflies are raised in butterfly farms in tropical locations, ensuring an income for the original people, and helping protect the rain forests.  They are gently mounted in either a Riker mount, styrene case, or airtight acrylic cube; allowing them to be displayed on a wall or shelf.  A framed butterfly is a great gift for people of all ages. Books Whether just beginning to appreciate the beauty of the butterfly, or a seasoned collector, there is an abundance of books on butterflies.  They range from methods of identifying the different species, ways of attracting the butterflies, and finding and growing plants most popular used to attract the butterflies.  There are many helpful books illustrating these creatures, as well as ones that facilitate the beginner in planting a successful butterfly garden. Feeders For many people who are horticulturally-impaired, a butterfly feeder may be the perfect solution to attract and feed a variety of butterfly species.  Most of the feeders contain up to 12 ounces of nectar, and can be hung or mounted on a stand.  Many of these feeders accommodate the butterfly's favorite fruits as well, such as bananas, peaches, cantaloupes, and watermelons and many are built to be bee and wasp-proof. Butterfly Habitats A Butterfly Pavilion is perfectly suited for young entomologists to successfully raise butterflies.  These are lightweight and sturdy, and allow the enthusiast to witness the entire lifecycle of the butterfly from larvae, to caterpillar, to stunning adult butterfly.  They are built with a see through mesh and are equipped with a zipper for feeding and watering the inhabitants.  These are specifically recommended for classroom environments, and others who appreciate the beauty of the butterflies and are enthusiastic in raising them.Overall, an abundance of gifts allow people to appreciate the beauty of butterflies, and include framed and mounted butterflies, as well as ones used to create stunning mosaics of animals, birds, native people, and scenery. Many books on butterflies are published and available for both the novice entomologist and the experienced connoisseur. Habitats, feeders, and a variety of other Butterfly Gifts are available for butterfly enthusiasts of all ages.

The Benefits Kids Can Get from Educational Toys

Toys are tools that help promote the child’s development. And educational toys are specifically the ones under this category. Traditional toys are still in but there are new items which also have an entertainment value on it and thus are called edutainment toys. Definitely, educational toys surpass those computer toys which only create squabbles among siblings. The prime value your child gets from an educational toy is learning. This can be sufficient enough to say that you had made the right choice. Developing the cognitive skills at a young age can greatly be an edge when the child grows. The toys that bring child’s mind development are puzzles, Science Wiz Kits, Wooden Blocks, Chemistry sets, etc. Educational toys don’t just develop cognitive skills but creative skills as well. Toys like Shleich animals and Le Toyvan houses bring imaginative plays. These bring the child practice and which in turn makes the playthings essential. The children are enabled to create stories and understand how things in the community fit. Sketch boards can be a great toy for artistic children having creative minds since this will let them to mastermind art as well. These boards have magnetic structure which allows the child to erase mistakes. There is a knob with designs like a ladybug. This helps the kid to enjoy animal like magnets. The children get closer to nature as they learn how to control writing tools such as rubber stamps and magnet pens. Educational toys also develop the social skills of the children. Since children normally play with some kids, they can learn the value of sharing their possessions. They also learn the value of communicating with their playmates. This can teach them that others have feelings also.   Some of the examples that develop strategic thinking are games like Zingo, Rush Hour, Blokus and Gamewright.  Since kids play with other adults and their parents, they exchange contact and thus develop their language skills and help them understand the rules of play and what is right and wrong. Board games and books may further the interest in language and reading. Self confidence is also developed since toys can empower children. This permits them to make decisions and temporarily control their environment. Getting the right toy for your child can be hard particularly if you’re looking for those that can bring fun to your child. You will not go wrong if you’ll choose an educational item. Just choose one that fits your child’s age and inspire them to do better in school using their toys.

Helping Children Succeed in School

A successful school attitude is built on confidence. Parents want to treat mistakes as opportunities to learn and encourage children to ask questions. Otherwise, children may lack confidence because they view asking questions or making mistakes as signs of weakness, rather than strengths that will help them learn more.Some children feel insecure about trusting their own judgment and abilities because they depend too much on other people for direction and approval. Parents want to avoid only saying, "Good job." Instead, describe what made it "good" and point out any effort or improvement the child showed. This helps children know what to do next time and not need constant approval from others.Parents also should avoid paying children for good grades or giving stickers for success. They usually discourage children or they might work in the short run, but won’t teach self-motivation.To succeed in school, children need two crucial skills: organizational skills to get their materials home and back to school and time management skills so they complete their work.Every child needs to be at least somewhat organized to succeed in school. At the least, parents need to provide children with organizational supplies. If a child or parent is not naturally organized, it’s helpful to have a reliable system to follow.Be sure your child’s "system" is simple. I tend to be more organized than most people, but don’t go so far as alphabetizing my soup. Yet, I once had a teacher present an organizational system for my third grader that was so complicated it took me several weeks to figure it out. In the end, I scrapped it and helped my child come up with a system that would work for her and still meet the teacher’s goal of being more organized.An organizational system must meet the needs of parents, teachers and children, but be easily adaptable to a child or teacher’s particular needs. A key feature is getting color-coded folders for each subject so children can quickly find their subject materials at a glance. Color-coding also helps children file their assignments correctly, so they will bring home their assignments and return them to school.In the past, pulling together such a system took a lot of searching, but now there are products like the Mead & Scholastic pre-organized color-coded school supply system for children in grades 3 – 6. This unique system includes all the necessary supplies in color-coded subject-specific formats and even includes curriculum-specific reference materials. So if children (or parents) forget how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, or what a preposition is, it’s in the front of that subject’s notebook.To teach children time management and good study skills, establish a consistent routine. Let children choose whether they will always do their homework immediately after school or after dinner, if they need some time to unwind or play before sitting again.Provide a specific uncluttered space for homework. Be available for questions and support, but don’t hover or do too much for children. Instead of giving children answers, ask questions that help children figure out the answer independently. This provides children lifelong learning skills.Success in school is like a three-legged stool in which the parent, teacher and student each play a vital role. The parent’s role in school success is that of a "supporting cast member." Parents can best support the child and teacher by being encouraging, helping children get organized and teaching children to be independent, instead of doing too much for children.Parents can learn more specific details about helping children succeed in school by visiting a special back-to-school tips page I’ve created at my website: www.ParentsToolshop.com. Just go to the home page and click on "Back-to-School" tips. It will take you to a page with links to a baker’s dozen (13) of articles and back-to-school resources that will be available throughout September.

How to educate your child to succeed

There are many simple ways that parents can help encourage their child's developments from an early age. Many basic tasks that we do with our children can help to build up their confidence and ensure that they are happy children who will go on to succeed in their lives.Fuel their imagination by reading bedtime storiesResearch has shown that children, who are regularly told stories have a better vocabulary, have more ides of sentence structure and sense of stories, are keener readers, enjoy more cognitive skills and have higher self confidence. They are also more likely to remember details better from a story than on television hence helping to create magnificent memories.As well as reading a story if is also beneficial to make up your own story for children. Children enjoy adding their own characters to a story which can help to stimulate their imaginations.Stories can be good to introduce changes and can be a great way to bet a message across as the child is relaxed and their brain waves are slow and ready to absorb information.By reading to your children you are helping to grow their imagination and creating a fantasy life that they can disappear into which is really important.Nurture their creative skills through playEnjoying creative time with your child is important as it helps to teach them another skill. Not all children will be great academics at school but many may go on to succeed using their creative skills. Simple activities like building with plastic bricks, painting or simply creating items can help a child's coordination and can help to build up their confidence. Many successful entrepreneurs have built up a thriving business despite not obtaining any qualifications at school simply by using their creative skills and by their determination to succeed.Playing board games can also help to educate your children. The child not only learns how to count but also how to take turns and follow rules. This in turn will teach them socially acceptable behaviour which is a very important lesson.You will not have to spend a great deal of money  on such activities as you can even create items such as wind chimes ,mobiles  or necklaces using items like leaves and twigs. Children delight in seeing their own unique creation.Teaching through role playAnother great way to teach children about everyday life is by playing games with them using role play. You can vary the themes which can include playing shops, libraries, and doctor's surgeries. Such games help to fuel their imagination but can also help them to consider which occupation they might like to take up when they are older.Teach your children about financeSadly in today's schools there are no lessons given to children regarding finance. This is unfortunate as finance plays an important part in everyone's lives. Teaching our children how to manage  money is a vital part of their education.Children can be given<A rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://www.perfectprosperity.com"> financial education </a> by rewarding them for good behaviour. If your child is young you could reward them with marbles to put in their jars. If your children are older it can be a good idea to ask them to negotiate how much pocket money they feel they deserve based on chores they have completed that week. You can also teach them the importance of making more money by investing their money into a savings account which will help to teach them to understand making interest on their money. This can be beneficial as it will help to educate children ready for when they are older and might want to have a career in finance or if they want to start up a business. Any financial education that you give your children can also help to prepare them ready for when they might want to invest into stocks and shares at a later stage of their lives.Whether your child goes on to succeed academically or learns a trade or even decides to set up a business, the skills that they have learnt in during their childhood using simple measures like having a story read to them, creating items or even just playing shops will have helped to shape them into confident individuals who will go on to create success and a financially secure future for themselves .

Learning Toys

What do our children play with nowadays? Do our children learn anything from these toys?  Time to start shopping for the perfect gift. I looked up the top-10 selling items at Walmart the other day just to check it out. Top 10 selling toys at Wal-Mart 1. Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition--Well, they'll definitely learn the importance of money. The object of this game is to end up with all the money, property, and resources while everybody else goes home broke--whoops, by the end of the game, they don't have a home to go to. 2. EyeClops Night Vision Infrared Stealth Goggles--Not very educational, but harmless. The perfect gift for that budding little voyeur, burglar, snipper... 3. NERF N-STRIKE Vulcan - Kids love to shoot. In a world created to be the perfect landscape for NERF pandemonium, players can wreak havoc and perfect their blasting skills or challenge friends to clashes with both single and multi-player game modes. With the brand new custom NERF blaster, players can then take the action outside as their controller transforms to fire actual NERF darts." 4. Baby Alive Learns to Potty (Hasbro)-- The most useful learning toy so far. Enough guy stuff; how about something for our little princesses? 5. Fisher Price Kid Tough Portable DVD Player Pink and Accessory Kit— 6. Vtech V.Motion Active Learning System – 7. Fisher-Price Elmo Live-- The worse toy ever!  This Muppet been showing signs of severe emotional stress for years; he's made specific and general death threats on at least two separate occasions. 8. Littlest Pet Shop VIP Cat (Hasbro)--Cute, but why not a real flesh and blood feline? 9. Darth Maul with Collector Coin: Star Wars Saga Legends-- I guess you could consider this a science toy . Can a kid ever own enough psychopathic killer dolls? And a Collector Coin, to boot! 10. Star Wars The Clone Wars Action Figures-See # 9. BTW, every single one these toys are manufactured in China; only the board pieces on the Monopoly game are made in the USA.

Give Kids (even toddlers) Jobs

Giving your kids jobs around the house, even when they are just toddlers, is important for the child and the family. My 15 year old son and 19 year old daughter mow our lawn. It's possible that we're the only family in the neighborhood without a professional lawn service. We pay them to do the job, probably the same amount we would pay a service. At times I think professionals might do a better job, but to us, it's about the kids having responsibility to the family.As young as two years old, you can start giving your children "jobs." At home, parents can set the rule that your child must clean up after himself. Even at one or two years old, you can encourage him to bring a toy to the shelf to help you straighten up. As he gets older, give him more challenging tasks. By three or four, you can teach him how to help you set the table, make his bed, and help you put (non-breakable) groceries away. As your child gets older, the expectations you place on him should increase. A ten year old can take out the trash, set the table, and keep his room clean. You know your kid and what he can handle - choose jobs appropriately. Let him know that you appreciate his help, but also that you expect him to pitch in as a productive part of the family. In addition to learning new skills, he will feel proud of his accomplishments and independence. Your children need to be responsible members of society, and when they grow up with a sense of responsibility, they will be much better off for it in the long run. Visit my blog at www.preschoolteach.blogspot.com

b.ed correspondence,delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession. CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Private Christian Schools In California

Private Christian Schools in California We've traveled from Boston to Hawaii and then throughought the West Coast. After all of the moving and depleting our savings account we finally feel like we've landed in our sweet spot. We currently live in Redding California. Where the mountains wrap around the valley like city of a population just over 100,000 people. Redding is quiet and beautiful. Although sometimes the heat can get to you in the summer. The gracious people mixed with the abundant scenery of snow top mountains make you think you've discovered a peice of heaven. There is actually a reason why our family chose Redding California out of all places to live on the earth. It's no question that we are here for an amazing church called Bethel. The pastor Bill Johnson along with co-pastors Kris Valloton and Danny Silk including the amazing staff make it a truly peice of heaven indeed. One of the biggest joy's in our life right now is our son Elijah. He has, hmmm...let me say srung up from his God given well's of creativity, originality, and confidence like we've never seen him before. One of the biggest reasons for this is the private christian school that he's attending. So, did you know that Bethel has a pre-k through 8th grade? It's a private school that is ridiculously amazing. I was blown away when I found out the the 1st graders phrophesy! Not only that, but when my son gets a phropesy about him. The teachers will write it down and create a file for him. This file is given to him when he graduates from the 8th grade. What kind of private school does that? Only the best private school in my opinion. Anyway, there are soooo many things I could glamour about the Redding area. The food could use a bit of help as far as variety but the beautiful lakes, creeks, hunting and fishing, and the best church and the best private christian school in the whole world make me want to plant some serious roots. You know planting roots and settling down hasn't felt this good since I can remember. Wow, I must really like it here.

Speed Reading Comprehension

Get The Best Grades With the Least Amount of Effort is a unique collection of the most powerful learning techniques to help you become a SUPER-LEARNER and master any subject and any skill faster than most people, while still having fun!"Speed Reading ComprehensionDon't Study Harder,Study Smarter!Introducing The Speed Study System Anyone Can Use To Get Better Grades In Less Time And With Less Effort-Guaranteed! Get and download the tips here!Top 10 Speed Reading Comprehension Tips1. Cleanse your aim. A advantage understanding of what did you say? You already know and what did you say? You need dated of the appraisal is the means to appraisal comprehension.2. Look by the side of the front put your name down for cover. What did you say? In a row is the author giving you with reference to the story? What did you say? Does the title recommend? Why did she employ this specific graphic on the cover?3. Read familiar material. As soon as you leading hear to rate Read, employ books and articles on subjects you maintain particular familiarity with otherwise subjects you maintain approach across sooner than but havent reviewed recently. Presently on, you can challenge physically with different material,Speed Reading Comprehension.4. Give somebody the job of Predications. Can you give somebody the job of in the least predictions with reference to the story with the in a row youve already gathered?5. What did you say? Maintain the experts assumed with reference to the put your name down for otherwise author? Look by the side of the back cover. What did you say? Are the interpretation being made by critics whove read the put your name down for? What did you say? Other clues can you pick up?6. Read the chart of Contents. Its an outline of the put your name down for.7. Give somebody the job of trustworthy you re-evaluation the word list. If here are in the least stipulations with the intention of are unfamiliar to you remember them.8. Read the Introduction otherwise Preface. It gives you a advantage vision of everywhere the author wants to take you.9. Preview the put your name down for to give somebody the job of trustworthy its what did you say? You are looking in support of. Inspect the headings and subheadings.10. Read the subject sentences. Remember with the intention of the leading and keep on sentences of a snippet assign you the essence of with the intention of snippet, especially as soon as reading non-fiction,Speed Reading Comprehension.

Best Years Of Our Lives: Making The Most Of School Resources

For many people, their formative school years are the best years of their lives. School is where people meet lots of new friends, learn lots of new things and acquire the basic tools that will set them up for the rest of their lives. Naturally, the younger the mind is the easier it is to shape. That is why teachers play such a pivotal role in a young person's upbringing, particularly at primary school. The bond between a teacher and their pupils can be a very special one and one that the child will never forget. Whilst bonding is part and parcel of their role, the core function of a teacher is, well, to teach. Unlike secondary education, at primary school young learners absorb everything from maths and English, to history and geography - all from the same teacher. Primary school teachers must be Jacks of all trades and to ensure the young minds in front of them remain stimulated and motivated, it's important that they make full use of all the resources available to them. This is where technology comes into play – the 21st century classroom has a wealth of teaching aids that can bring history, geography, science or any subject to life. Indeed, the chances are that any child these days will be entering the classroom with a reasonable level of technological nous – young minds learn a lot quicker than old minds, and even a few years of accessing the internet, multimedia players and other contraptions can mean they already know more than many adults about the digital realm. Whilst that in itself is no bad thing, it does mean dusty old textbooks may not engage a child's brain in the same way as it once did. Teacher resources may include anything from online interactive flipcharts that bring the Second World War to life, to interactive whiteboards (IWBs) that facilitate and promote classroom interaction. The internet has enabled the sharing of knowledge, so that a tried and tested lesson plan can be distributed easily to other teachers around the globe, and these resources can be used in conjunction with any IWB anywhere in the world. Whilst some teachers may yearn for the good old days, when pencils, jotters and blackboards ruled the classroom, there's no getting away from the fact that the technological revolution is in full swing and the kids love it, which is why the teachers really are best embracing it.

Time Management Solutions – Leaving the House on Time in the Morning

Recent research has shown that we, parents, all share the same problem: Leaving the house on time in the morning can be the most stressful part of the day for the entire family.For the parent, arriving on time to work, to the school bus’ stop etc. is important. The child is not always aware of the importance of these, or is unable to act accordingly, which can lead to arguments and unpleasantness which is not necessarily typical to the family.Nobody in the family wants to begin his day like this, leaving parents frustrated and the children do not always understand why.In order to help the child perceive the passing of time and enable him to manage it, Tick Task can be a valuable time management solution for children.Tick Task is an analog clock which works on an hourly time-frame. The red minute hand stands out and points to the specific task on the panel. The Tick Task comes with 4 panels, representing critical hours of the day: morning, afternoon and evening, and works with 40 magnets. How can Tick Task help your child in the morning?Because time is an abstract and elusive concept, even adults need the means to tell the time without aids such as clocks and calendars, otherwise it could be difficult. This task is even more complex for children who don’t know how to use these tools.Using the analog clock of Tick Task will make time more real for the child. He will learn how to look at the clock and understand that when the hands move, time is going by and that a task needs to be done. What task follows which, and how much time is needed for each? All of these are made real for the child when he looks at the task. Without needing to tell the time, even very young children quickly grasp this principle.Together with the parent, the child can be involved with preparing the sequence of tasks.This involvement will reinforce his sense of responsibility and cooperation with all the family.Leaving the house on time thus becomes a mutual goal when the child understands what is expected of him and how he can achieve it.His sense of control will increase and he will be able to decide what task  he will have to concentrate on first  and when, as the Tick Task continually reminds him.As time goes by, Tick Task makes the child more independent and less needy of the parent’s supervision. Parental support remains but with less ‘nagging and policing’. Tick Task as a Time Management Solution for ParentsMany parents find it difficult to be consistent. Under pressure with their own tasks, parents often find it challenging to manage their child’s routine.Tick Task obliges the parents to be more consistent and maintain a constant routine using the magnets. It could also help avoiding negative habits like watching TV during eating or dressing. If you want to keep TV in the morning routine, it is recommended that you use it as an incentive, and attach the magnet at the end of the critical morning preparation. This allows an efficient performance without needless conflicts. Tick Task’s auditory remainder system can remind parents that the time has come for the child to move onto the next task, thus making their job much easier.

How to improve speed reading

Get The Best Grades With the Least Amount of Effort is a unique collection of the most powerful learning techniques to help you become a SUPER-LEARNER and master any subject and any skill faster than most people, while still having fun!"how to improve speed readingDon't Study Harder,Study Smarter!Introducing The Speed Study System Anyone Can Use To Get Better Grades In Less Time And With Less Effort-Guaranteed! Get and download the tips here!Reading can take place fun, but it can in addition take place time-consuming if your speed is not because fast because you'd like it to take place. An be more or less analysis break the speed limit can range from 200 to 350 lexis apiece summarize, but with the aim of rate can vary depending on the material and your analysis experience. It's in addition principal to understand what did you say? You are reading--even as soon as you perk up your speed. At this point are a not many tips to help you improve your reading speed.Snag: Be more or lessStage mandatory: VariesHere's How:Preview the material you're departure to read. Look by the side of key headings, subdivision divisions, and other appropriate material--to develop clues going on for the form of the act.Adjust your reading break the speed limit because you read the material. Long-drawn-out down as soon as you need to take place bound to be with the aim of you comprehend a section of material. Break the speed limit up if you are already familiar with (or don't need to know) other sections.Readers can dramatically perk up their analysis speeds by taking in the sphere of several lexis in the sphere of the line of text by the side of single stage (instead of sounding passй every word, or else focusing on every note of the word. PC programs like break the speed limit bookworm or else Rapid bookworm are designed to help readers perk up analysis speeds with flashing mail and lexis. You may perhaps in addition poverty to discover further going on for other techniques.One more way to perk up your reading speed is to focus on the key in lexis in the sphere of the sentences. A substantial amount of analysis stage is needless on conjunctions, prepositions, or else articles (i.E. A, an, the, but, and, or else, nor, but, and so forth.).Mistreat a pacer like a compound or else your finger--as a main crux to depict your eye across the line or else down the contact. A pacer can help you multiply your break the speed limit and reduce re-reading. A pacer can in addition help you to keep track of what did you say? You are analysis,how to improve speed reading.Chatter going on for what did you say? You've read. Round about readers achieve with the aim of by chatting going on for their analysis with contacts or else fellow students, they are able to effectively synthesize the material.Determine a analysis schedule with the aim of mechanism used for you. You may perhaps achieve with the aim of you can't concentrate on the material used for further than an hour (or a partly hour). In addition restricted a stage of the daylight as soon as you are alert and eager to read.Achieve a analysis tad, someplace interruptions or else distractions choice not disturb your analysis.Practice. Practice. Practice. The top way to perk up your analysis break the speed limit is to practice analysis. Try passй round about of these techniques, and in that case work on the strategies with the aim of act top used for you.Tips:Obtain your eyes checked. Analysis glasses may perhaps help.Read everything. Don't forget passй on very important in a row in the sphere of your pursuit of break the speed limit.Don't re-read completely away; it choice long-drawn-out you down. If you completely don't understand part of the analysis selection, spread back and have another look at the material presently,how to improve speed reading.

Preschool Education in Tarzana

Tarzana is a quiet and well to do neighborhood located in the San Fernando valley. It also has many good pre schools which kids from all over the neighborhood attend.Most people who live in Tarzana also tend to be gainfully employed and forced to leave their homes for most of the day. For young parents especially who have to go to work, this can prove to be quite a dilemma by itself since their children have to be taken care of while the busy parent is out there making a living.What's a busy parent in Tarzana to do? Enter pre schools.The pre schools in Tarzana provide a safe haven where kids between three and five years of age can be left safely for that period that parents are not available.Also, apart from the help of having a teacher take care of their kids, these busy young parents have the added advantage of having their kids learn how to develop their social and emotional skills, their communication skills, their knowledge of things around them, their creativity, their physical development and overall learning abilities or intelligence.Now let's take a look at how most of these developmental skills occur:Social and emotional developmentSince a lot of parents in Tarzana drop their kids off at their local pre schools, there is a lot of activity at these pre schools. Now this can prove to be a good thing since kids are generally playful in nature and when a lot of kids come together they tend to interact with each other and are curious to examine their surroundings.Unlike homeschooling where the children are being taught by an adult and not interacting with other kids, the kids who attend pre schools in Tarzana tend to develop their social skills a little bit better. They are generally more social towards other people apart from their own parents and in fact have to be cautioned by worried parents who admonish them against speaking with strangers.Communication, including talking and listeningJust like kids who develop their social skills, kids who attend pre schools in Tarzana happen to be better communicators and do a marvelous job of listening or communicating their thoughts when they are instructed on what to do. Generally when kids express themselves, then a sensible and intelligent guardian will usually be able to tell if there is a problem and resolve it. This is always a good thing because it then removes the future problem of having socially inept kids running around with guns killing people and feeling isolated from the general community.Knowledge of things around themSince Tarzana is a pretty urban town, pre schools in Tarzana tend to have a lot of modern stuff that is found in many urban towns around the country. To a kid's probing mind, this is a good thing because kids will learn a lot about the stuff surrounding them.CreativityEver see those drawings of stick men that proud parents hang on the fridge of almost every TV show or sitcom that has small kids? That is just the start of creativity that is achieved when kids attend pre schools in Tarzana. Many of these kids do grow up and become motion picture animators, artists or even have a high paying career in a creative field.Physical developmentWhen small kids attend pre schools in Tarzana, they get to canter about and play a lot. This is good for developing the kids body and making them tougher. With a lot of running around, comes physical development. The results are mirrored all across Tarzana and Los Angeles when most of these small children in the future become athletes and sports superstars.Overall learning abilities or intelligencePerhaps the biggest benefit of attending pre schools in Tarzana is that small children tend to learn how to be able to read and write. Virtually nowhere in the world can anybody get a job without being literate. Overworked parents sometimes tend to overlook the reality that their kids need to learn how to read and write from a very early age. This only comes from attending pre schools that are all over Tarzana.

New Play Area Stimulates Communication in Children With Autistic Spectrum Condition

The new creative play area recently installed at Treetops School in Grays, Essex has been a godsend to the verbal behaviour programmes the school uses for children on the autistic spectrum.Treetops is a specialist school for children and young people up to 19 who experience moderate learning difficulties. The school operates a special verbal behaviour (VB) provision for children with autistic spectrum condition (ASC) and is the first state school in the UK to adopt these teaching principles. Active play stimulates communication, and is a key part of the successful VB programme. The move to new premises this year was an ideal opportunity to install a safe and secure play area which the children could use as an integral part of their school day.New play equipment should have been installed in preparation for the move, but the school was let down by the original supplier. Monster Play Systems were then invited to quote, and after taking the brief, they turned the whole project around very rapidly. Commented headteacher Paul Smith, “We knew we wanted equipment that was creative and would stimulate the children. Monster Play called on their experience and not only pulled out all the stops to install the equipment quickly, but added vision to the whole project. Their fresh, innovative ideas meant the final play scheme was even better than we had originally planned.”In addition to multi-activity, socially-focused structures such as the Escapade, Cabana and Playhouse units to help develop communication skills, Monster Play incorporated interactive pieces like the Turnacross. This unusual play unit stimulates cooperation and helps develop social skills as well as improving physical fitness.Added Smith, “You only have to look at their faces to see how much the nursery children absolutely love their new equipment. However, the older children were quite envious, and asked if they could have a fun play area as well. As it has been so well received, we are now in the process of installing a range of equipment for their benefit. It just confirms how important play is for learning and development in these children.”e n d sEditor’s NotesHigh resolution photographs available on requestMore about Monster Play Systems LtdMonster Play Systems is one of the UK’s fastest growing and most innovative provider of children’s play equipment, youth shelters, skate parks and ball courts. The innovative ‘BigToys’ range introduced in 2005, is made utilising recycled steel and plastics, and gives BigToys one of the highest percentages of recycled content available in play equipment today. Their modern YS range of youth shelters are designed to withstand heavy use, are vandal resistant and have solar powered lighting, Bluetooth connectivity and radio as optional extras.The company has steadily built up a reputation not only for quality products but also for the highest levels of customer service. This philosophy together with the challenge to provide a safe, positive play experience that is also fun, exciting and developmentally appropriate has resulted in Monster Play Systems becoming the UK’s fastest growing and most innovative provider of children’s play equipment.More about BigToys Inc.Founded in 1970, BigToys® (www.bigtoys.com) is a pioneering manufacturer of environmentally friendly commercial playground equipment. BigToys leads the playground industry in removing PVC from its products in support of children’s health and environmental protection. BigToys is based in Olympia, Washington

Free Summer Programs for Kids

The Story Reader is a kind of plastic bag, which measures about 30 cm x 30 cm that (with a strap) when opened, reveals a book that fits perfectly to the reader. The main feature of the Story Reader is that it "reads" the story aloud while the child is attached. The child can turn the pages when they are warned by the narrator or when they please.The books bring texts and illustrations. The electronic book responds to the wishes of the child. Story Reader narrates the text of the page shows. If the child back a few pages, the reader recognizes the page and tells again. Children respond very well to this interactivity, since it allows them to control the story.There are three products Story Reader:Story Reader base, launched in 2003, brings the features described above and is recommended for children 3 years or more. Each book comes with a small cartridge that is engaged in the briefcase. This cartridge contains memory and audio of each story.The product has volume control, but does not present a button "on / off." This was done so that the child has the choice to open or close the book when you want. Runs on four AAA batteries (stick) or can be connected to power via an adapter. The price of the Story Reader is about $ 20. Find more information about the more than 60 titles at the end of this article or the website of the Story Reader (in English).In early 2006, Publications International, Ltd., maker of Reader's Story, launched the My First Story Reader, designed for newborns and children up to 3 years old. Like the original, a narrator reads the story aloud, but in this case, a book with twelve pages, made of tougher material, which includes sound effects and music to make reading more enjoyable.My First Story Reader has two options to use, with a narration and the other with questions about the illustrations on each page. The child can choose from three buttons to answer basic questions about shapes and colors. The last two pages of My First Story Reader features a song with rhymes. The price of My First Story Reader is about $ 20.If you have more free time for your kids, take them to an alternative free summer program for kids, and Story Reader is one event that you can choose.

Is It The Case That Times Tables Worksheets Are Better Than Other Methods In Helping Your Children Remember The Times Tables?

Counting, addition and subtraction are the maths subjects met by children in their early time at school just before they meet the times tables and times tables worksheets.In times tables worksheets children will see the question what is 3x3? The answer is 9. And 9 comes from adding together 3+3+3. There is a link between times tables and addition and subtraction.The significant thing to know about times tables is that for children to be success with times tables they need to remember them.What's the benefit of this? Times tables are part of the building blocks associated with learning maths well.These days a lot of parents worry that the times tables are not being properly taught in schools and use Times tables worksheets at home to help with learning.The memories of school often include recalling rows of desks and the whole class chanting a particular table in an attempt to learn it by rote.1 three is three, 2 threes are six, 3 threes are nine and so on up to; 12 threes are thirty-six.To be blunt, this rote learning is boring.Rob Eastaway and Professor Mike Askew make the observation that all the schools they have been involved with do have a focus on teaching the times tables.Times tables are therefore being taught by schools.What about for parents? Are Times Tables Worksheets the thing to use to help your children or is there a better way. Is there a different way that makes it really easy for children to remember the times tables?On the plus side it is easy to download times tables worksheets from the internet.Mostly these consist of times tables questions with a space for the answers, long rows of questions and spaces for answers.What is 3 x 3?, What is 7 x 8?, What is 4 x 9? And so on.Do these times tables worksheet questions help your children remember the times tables?To give the correct answer a child will already know the answer and points towards what times tables worksheets are good for and that is TESTING!In addition when answering your children may simply be working their way from the beginning of a times table to find the answer.I remember doing this all the time when I was learning the times tables.What's 7 x 8? Yes, yes, I know! 1 x 7 is 7, 2 x7 is 14 , 3 x 7 and so on up to 7 x8 is 56.The answer is eventually reached but clearly this does not mean that the tables have been memorised.My opinion is that Times Tables Worksheets are not the best method to use to help your children memorise the times tables.If not times tables worksheets what is better for remembering?The best way of learning and remembering the times tables results in a one hundred percent ability to recall the times tables.Your children really need a method involving lots of fun pictures and the times tables; all focused of memory ability.If you encourage your children to remember the times tables using such a method they will become embedded in their memories.For masses of information on how this method works visit www.TimesTablesMaths.com

Preschool: Leaving Home For The First Time

As many parents will testify, on the one hand you are counting the days until your toddler is big enough to start school, to fledge the nest at least for a couple of hours each day, to mix with other toddlers, interact with other adults and teachers and take a small step into the big wide world. It is an extremely proud moment in any parents' life, but also a day which can be tinged with sadness. It is the first step towards their independence; they will have to cope without you for a couple of hours at least, for the very first time in their short lives.Of course, we all want this transition to go as smoothly as possible, but there is a small part of us which doesn't want to let go at all. As long as we have prepared our children for this first step along their lives, then everything should be fine. It is important to talk to your child all about what will happen at the nursery school, what they should expect, and of course, be waiting in plenty of time for when they have finished and eagerly run to the door to be greeted.It is usual for the first day to go very well without any mishap at all, but then, maybe towards the end of the week as the child gets more tired and realizes that this is happening every day, tears and tantrums can start after the first few days. Very often, even if your child has to be peeled crying from you first thing in the mornings, within a few minutes of you leaving he or she will have settled quite well and be playing happily with the other children. This has been confirmed to me by many nursery school teachers and assistants alike, 'they'll be fine when you've gone', and usually they are. That of course, still doesn't make it any easier to abandon your crying child to the care of others.

The History of Teaching Reading is not Very Old

What people in American don’t seem to realize is this country was made by homeschooling. It was one of the few times in America when most children could read and write and they were taught in covered wagons trekking into the wilderness. I can still remember one of the early TV programs ‘Little House On The Prairie’ where the kids had to learn their reading and writing. It was actually a theme that ran through the whole program.Schools have been around for a long time but they were mainly for the wealthy and elites of society. In the history of teaching reading there was a very big step about 100 years ago when Maria Montessori started teaching learning and mentally disabled children in Italy.She brought out the system of learning phonics with sandpaper letters and her disabled kids were learning to read faster than the children in the village school. But as Maria was not politically motivated her system never took off in mainstream schools.Mainstream schools usually switch between phonics and whole word or whole language system, depending on which political force is in play at the moment.The main problem with reading is a lot of students will learn to read no matter what system is in place but it has been shown that phonics helps children who are struggling to learn reading. Success in learning to read depends more on the enthusiasm, ability and energy of the teachers and children than on any particular teaching method.But that has not stopped politics getting involved with how to teach reading. The history of teaching reading in basically a history of how politics influences schools. And if the government is paying the schools then they have the clout.

Essayempire Offers Essays on Business

The skilled and talented team of writers at Essayempire ensures that all the essay writings provided to clients are unique and well written in accordance to the proper standard and format. Essayempire is no doubt the ultimate stop for customers who want to avail full value for money with quality product. Essay writing is no easy task but needs proper analytical and interpretation skills. In higher studies, essay writing is a compulsory assignment task that students need to accomplish. But there are many students who get confused and baffled about how to approach essay writing in the right manner, which in turn leads to poor score in their academic exams. To help these students get first rate quality paper writing, Essayempire is here to help gain good marks in exams. There are four basic steps that need to be followed religiously while writing an essay. Selecting the right topic makes the most important task. Student should select a good and challenging topic that interests both student and his readers. Business and its related subjects makes a good option for essay writing where student get ample scope for investigation, interpretation and analysis to make the paper authentic, interesting and well organized. With Essayempire customers can avail paper writing on various business topics such as accounting ethics, business alliances, business communication, business cycles, business forecasting, business statistics, business and politics, business scenario in various countries, corporate takeovers, financing a business and many more. After the topic is selected, proper interpretation on the subject needs to be done along with collection of relevant quotes and data.  The subject should be categorized under related sub headings and categories for easy understanding and accessibility of readers. The third step in essay writing comprise of formatting the information in an organized and systematic method. The fourth and last task is to proof read the whole essay to ensure it is 100% authentic and error free. Over the years, Essayempire has carved a niche for themselves with sincerity and hard work. Thriving with the motto of serving customers to quality products, Essayempire is the right choice for all who want to avail the best in economical price rate. The writers of EssayEmpire are well equipped to write on any topic in both US and UK style as per need and requirement of customers. To help customers better, Essayempire also offers various facilities and features such as given below:Round the clock customer-help service (24x7)Flexible and budget pricingProfessional writers who expertise in both UK and US style of writing100% authentic and error free writingNo plagiarism and reselling of essay  For any essay writing help, essayempire.com is the one stop solution for customers to depend on.

Admission open-2010 for NTT,NPTT,B.ED

Indoss institute, a premier institute offering teacher training courses NTT, NPTT practical training in Schools. The qualified and experienced teachers train the future teachers to work in reputed schools. It also provides the diploma in teacher training from UGC approved University. The teacher training programme in addition to various theoretical & practical subjects focuses on Different skill development in students through workshops & seminars. The nursery teacher training course and nursery primary teacher training course curriculum includes the topics from child psychology to school management. The nursery teacher training course enables you to teach students till class 2nd and the nursery primary teacher training course enables till 5th. The institute provides all the facilities under one roof .The institute is situated in the heart of the city, well connected by metro train to even distant places like Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziyabad, Faridabad, and Dwarka.The curriculum is meticulously appropriately designed as per the need of the present day teaching profession. It has in it incorporated the latest methods and trends of teaching which enables you meet the demands of the school and the students. It comprises of the theory as well as practical subjects.The theory includes Child Psychology, School organization, teaching methods& teaching aids, health and nutrition, early childhood care& education, Pedagogy of different subjects like Eng, Hindi, Math, and EVS.The placement cell at INDOSS actively co-ordinate the task of organizing the interviews for all the students. The institute catalyses the process of bringing the opportunities to the students and enable them to go through the recruitment process. However, the selection is solely governed by the requirements and recruitment policies of the various schools and institutions calling for interviews. We give 100% placement assistance to the students. It depends on competence and desorbing ability of student nevertheless the reputation of our institute helps students in receiving good salaried jobs.The Students Who Join the Nursery Teacher Training & Nursery Primary Teacher Training Courses get 100% Placement Assistance from the Institute. They are also trained to prepare their resumes & appear in the interviews. CONTACT DETAILS-9212441844 Location-J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Little Elly™ Preschool in Bangalore

Little Elly The Concept Preschool in Bangalore was born with the desire to nurture the child and lay a healthy foundation for a learned society in India. It is a humble initiative of Learning Edge India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore in association with Glen Tree, UK who are pioneers in serving the learning needs of Children for the last decade. Little Elly is recognized by mainstream schools as a Preschool in Bangalore and Mangalore that operates through innovative teaching methods, which helps in developing the child into a confident, creative and eager learner. Vision & MissionA leading Global Organization in childhood educationTo foster a learning institution towards the development of a dynamic child with strong moral values and a passion for learning in a challenging learning environment Philosophy of Little Elly is to guide each Child at his own pace in an environment which demonstrates loving care and acceptance. They believe in making teaching a Joy and Learning a Pleasure. They offer a stimulating combination of academic, artistic and practical activities where every child gets to learn without being made to feel he or she is being taught. Little Elly in Bangalore and Mangalore with is objective of reaching out and providing quality education and environment for preschoolers, has opened new branches all over Bangalore. Little Elly at its Preschools in Bangalore has come up with exciting Summer Camps, different from previous years, allowing parents to choose between activities, dates and durations. Parents are welcome to come and visit any of the Little Elly Centers in Bangalore and Choose among the Best available preschools and Day Care Centers in Bangalore. To Add on to the Benefits, Little Elly Preschools Offer after school Activities for children in Bangalore and Mangalore such as KASH (Kids After School Hours) for Maths, English and Reading, so that every moment of the child's precious upbringing is Fun and Learning all the way. KASH is offered at all of Little Elly Branches and has received tremendous responses from Parenting Communities all over. Information on Little Elly the Concept Preschool in Bangalore and Mangalore is available online, along with forums and platforms for well wishers to communicate, express, update and share. With new Centers opening all over Bangalore, Little Elly now has 20 Branches in Bangalore alone. Exciting Summer Camps are offered at all locations during this summer.

Save Big on Back to School Shopping

<!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->Summer will shortly end and back to school time is here, you need to get all the school essentials for your child to start the new year. And more over you need to get the things done before hand. You might be bit worried about the expenditure as you need to shop many things. Here are top tips that will relieve your tensions and help you save big on back to school shopping.Go for bargains Look for special offers and bargains. Check in different stores to know about the sale specials and price difference for the same product. This will help you save some bucks.Look at the dollar storesDo not forget to check the dollar and bargain stores. They are the right place to save money. Here you might not find all the back to school supplies, but it is worth the effort to check in what they have.Do not forget the thrift stores and yard salesIf you want to get things even at cheaper prices, go for the thrift stores and yard sales. Accessories like binders, backpacks, notebooks, lunch boxes, lamps, nightstands, couches, desks and furniture will be available at cheaper prices. If you get some wear and tears, you can bring it back to life through your creativity and craftsmanship.Recycle a great savingThe best way to save on back to school supplies is to recycle previous years supplies like notebooks, binders and folders. Tear out used pages from the notebooks and use the fresh pages. Bring out your creativity and use wrapping papers, contact papers, leaf papers, wall papers, stickers, photographs, colors, gum etc to give a new look to the last years supplies. For example, instead of wasting your money on fancy book covers, you can do it by yourself using the above things. Do not throw last year's things like rulers, sharpeners, pencils, erasers, protractors, calculators as you can use them for two to three years.Shop onlineShopping online is the best idea for a great saving. You can save your precious time too. Take advantage of coupons, coupon codes, free coupons and back to school promotions that facilitate a great savings with latest deals and discounts offered by the online stores along with free shipping facilities. Look for coupons in the newspaper too.Buy in bulkThink on bulk buying, if you have more than one kid or your cousins kids or you can call up a couple of moms.Prepare a list and stick to your budgetGetting a list ready before you start shopping will prevent you from overspending and end up buying unnecessary things. This also will give you an idea what you need to buy and what your kids already have or can make reuse of last years stuff. Knowing what you need to buy will make your job faster and stick to your budget.Shop early! Shop late!You can shop early i.e. before the season starts for stuff like notebooks, report folders, pencils, crayons, etc. Even you can shop in the weekend before the schools gets opened for the season end discount sales. At this time the prices come down to clearance prices and moreover no crowds.A back to school shopping does not mean emptying parents bank account. Smart purchases, reusing of old stuff and timely shopping can easily make the tough stormy time a financial breeze.

CustomTermPaper Offers Essays on Business

Working with a professionally trained and skilled team of writers who are capable of handling any type of term paper writing, CustomTermPaper has carved a niche for itself over the years. For customers who want to avail quality product in economical and budget price range CustomTermPaper is the ultimate choice to depend on. Every year lots of student drop out their academic session because of term paper assignments. Writing a term paper is not an easy work and needs good analytical and interpreting skills along with methodical and systematical approach. For many students, term paper writing proves to be a tedious task and they do not feel confident about doing a term paper on their own. To help such students score well in their academic exams CustomTermPaper brings a wide variety of essays on topic related to business. Term paper writing comprises of several systematic steps that needs to be followed in order to complete a term paper in its right format and standard:The first and foremost step in term paper writing is to select a good and challenging topic. The subject needs to be interesting enough to stir interest in both student and readers. Business topics can make a good choice for term paper writing as a writer gets sufficient scope of interpretation, analysis, understanding and investigation on this subject.The next task is to gather relevant information, data and statistics on the subject from various periodicals, articles, portals and news.Formatting the writing in its right form systematically and methodically makes the third step in term paper writing.The final step in paper writing is to proof read and ensure that the writing is 100% error free. CustomTermPaper excels in writing all types of term paper in accordance to the need and requirement of customers. Offering the facility to customers, CustomTermPaper allows customers to suggest topics of their choice. Other than this, clients get to enjoy various other facilities that includes24 hours helpline service for customer assistanceWritings by professional and skilled writersFlexible budget price range100% authentic and quality writingNo plagiarismNo reselling of term paper to customers  To avail quality service along with value for money, CustomTermPaper is the one stop solution to depend on for any type of essay writing, term paper writing, research paper writing and lots more.

Non-traditional education for children

There are many reasons why a parent would choose to seek non-traditional, or alternative, educational opportunities for their children. One of the most common reasons is the child is a performer of some sort – working as an actor, musician, or athlete. Because the lifestyles these children lead can be very demanding and may make attending a traditional school incredibly difficult, the parents choose to seek different routes so their child can be successful in both their chosen profession and their academic studies. Some people think that seeking this sort of route for a child is a bad idea and as such, there are sometimes negative assumptions made about the parents’ choice, the students’ abilities, or the motivation behind the choice. Although reasons for seeking schooling that isn’t the normal 8:30-3pm, structured classroom type are myriad and personal for every parent who makes that choice, they can be anything from the child needs special attention due to a learning disability to the child needed additional educational stimulation due to being particularly intelligent. Lifestyle is also important – if the parents move or travel frequently and their child or children accompany them, a more flexible and open type of schooling will be ideal for them. So long as the child is being educated in all the basic subjects, there is no reason why choosing a non-traditional education is a bad idea. Studies show that a motivated student will do well in almost any environment, and, as a matter of fact, some students who struggled in traditional classroom environments thrived when they were transferred to schools that had more customized or accommodating styles of teaching. Some students will benefit from a private teacher. It is important that the parents keep the lines of communication with the teachers and administration at the school to follow their child’s progress. This is good advice for all parents, regardless of the educational choices they have made for their children. Listening to your children is also a good way to make the correct decisions – many times, children will express what they need, or what is going wrong, if you ask them the right questions and make them feel as if they can freely state what is on their minds. Should you choose non-traditional education for your child, the school in question will likely be able to lend a hand both with the child’s, and your, adjustment to the new way of learning.

Why It Is Important for Your Kids To Learn Spanish NOW!

More than 50 million people speak a language other than English in the home. At the present time, some linguists estimate that about 6,000 or more languages are spoken in the world, not including local dialects.    By far, one of the most widely spoken languages aside from Mandarin Chinese and English today is Spanish.  Spanish is spoken by almost 500 million people worldwide.  Even more compelling is the fact that about half of the population in the Western Hemisphere speaks Spanish, making it the primary language for as many people as English in this region of the world.   Just Imagine if you or your child can communicate with almost 500 million people worldwide! Wouldn’t that be AWESOME?   Let us also consider the competition in today’s job market. Have you noticed that more and more companies are placing more value on  bi-lingual employees with a knowledge of Spanish than the average worker?  It has been stated that in some places of employment if you are bi-lingual you can get paid fifty cents to the dollar more than employees who only speak English.   So By learning Spanish your child will have a head start in having more employment opportunities in his/her future as an adult or even before starting college than those of their classmates or peers.  A little knowledge of Spanish can go a long way for preparing your child for the “Big World Out There!”     .  But Why Is It Important for Your Kids To Learn Spanish NOW!     Well, the most natural time for a child to learn any aspect of any language is in the first years of a his/her life. There is a “natural window of opportunity” for learning language where it is easier for children to learn to understand and speak a new language at a higher level.   Quite naturally, a combination of school preparation and family activities will also help yield the best results, but while there are many methods and aspects to helping your child learn a new language, no language can be learned without first listening to its sounds, the inflexions of the voice and the way a native speaker blends these words together.   For instance when pronouncing the vowels in Spanish:   1.  The letter “a” is pronounced like the English a in “father”.   2.  The letter “e” is pronounced like the English e in “they”.   3.  The letter “i”  is pronounced like the English ee in “see” or i in “thing”.   4.  The letter “o” is similar to the English o in “no” but without the glide.   5.  The letter “u” is pronounced like the English oo in “food”.   So you see when learning a foreign language it is never enough to emphasize the importance of listening to the “actual sounds”  and learning the pronounciations of the words as they are being spoken.   A step by step audio course that allows you as a parent to teach and interact with your children will be an excellent way for Your Kids To Learn Spanish and get the vital skills that they need to succeed in the future!     For more information on “Teaching Your Children Spanish” Please Visit us @ http://www.SpanishforKidsCd.com

Diploma In Teacher Training Courses,delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession. CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844 Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

American Summer Camps - What They Offer

The typical scene of the traditional American summer camps involves a beautiful natural locale, enthusiastic children and proficient trainers from all over the globe. This article revolves around some basic aspects of camps in general. However, the concept of the camping venture was first put forward by Frederic William Gunn in America in 1861; it has now blossomed in full bloom. As a result, there are host of full-fledged summer camps arranged in all over the world covering diverse topics and subjects for kids, teens and elders. The main intention of all the camps, however, remains the same – to develop skills, peer relations, and self-esteem in the campers. As the times goes by, the number of summer camp attending students are getting increased remarkably. And more surprisingly, only in America, you will find more than 12,000 camps. This shows that such camps are proving to be rewarding for the students in many ways. American summer camps serve as of huge varieties. You have amazing options like traditional summer day camps, overnight camps, high school and academic camps, adventure and sports camps, summer fun and computer camps for kids and teens. All these are specially designed to meet the needs of the students. When it comes to making a right choice of the camps, make certain inquiries to make your decision easier. Suppose, you wish to join sports camps, you will learn something like horseback riding, ice skating or hockey, football, volleyball and so on. If you choose academic summer camps, you will have great exposure to various topics like astronomy, arts, creative writing, journalism, math, and science, robotics, and so on. It is up to you what you wish to learn. Some of the best American summer camps are iD Tech Camps, Supercamp, and University of Illinois Summer Sports Camps. Make sure that the fee-structure varies from one location to another. Therefore, decide properly when it comes to choosing a location for the camp.

Women's Polytechnic in delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession.  CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844 Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Hard Wok Child

CHILD  LABOUR Child Labour is the employment of children at regular and sustained labour.This practice is considered exploitative by many countries and organizations. Child labour was utilized to varying extents through most of history, but entered public dispute with the beginning of world school,with changes in working conditions during industrialization, and with the emergence of the concepts of  Child labour is still common in some places where the school leaving age is lower. Child Labor is very common, and can be factory work, mining, prostitution quarrying, agriculture, helping in the parents' business,  or doing odd jobs. Some children work as guides for tourists, sometimes combined with bringing in business for shops and restaurants (where they may also work as waiters). Other children are forced to do tedious and repetitive jobs such as: assembling boxes, polishing shoes, stocking a store's products, or cleaning. However, rather than in factories , most child labor occurs in the informal sector, "selling many things on the streets, at work in agriculture — far from the reach of official labor inspectors and from media scrutiny." And all the work that they did was done in all types of weather; and was also done for minimal pay. Poor families often rely on the labors of their children for survival, and sometimes it is their only source of income. This type of work is often hidden away because it is not always in the industrial sector. Child labor is employed in subsistence agriculture and in the urban informal sector; child domestic work is also important. In order to benefit children, child labor prohibition has to address the dual challenge of providing them with both short-term income and long-term prospects. Some youth rights groups, however, feel that prohibiting work below a certain age violates human rights, reducing children's options and leaving them subject to the whims of those with money. Education is very much essential for children. Education enhances the development of self-esteem. Education offers children a possibility to learn to think for themselves, to make choices and to form their own opinion. Educated children learn to defend themselves and to claim their rights. In other words, education is key to a better life.  Furthermore education is a pre-condition to sustainable development and the building of a democratic society. Good education leads also to the better health conditions. Particularly, the education of girls gives a high return in terms of health improvements, family planning and the well-being of whole families. Besides, educated women make extra efforts to ensure an education for their children.

Indoss Polytechnia For Women,delhi

Teaching in schools has become the most liked profession by girls now-a-days. The teaching profession already has the status of respect and honor. The biggest attraction is the working hours which help females to maintain a balance between the work and the home. Women can pursue their career even after they get married if they are willing to work as teaching hours provide ample time left which can be used to look after the family. Earlier the girls were more attracted towards the corporate jobs as it is a better paid job domain. But now as the sixth pay commission has been declared, the rises in the teacher's salaries have come like a cool breeze. The teachers are enjoying salaries which are equivalent to the pay scales of engineers in mnc's. The pre-requisite for joining the teaching field is that you should have done teacher training courses like Ntt/Nptt/Ecce/B.ed. The schools are also becoming brands now-a-days. Before Appointing the teachers, they are very careful and consider only the trained candidates.Moreover as the teachers' job involves handling the students who are live units, so they should be well trained and must be well versed with child psychology, educational methods like playway, teaching aids, computer aided teaching, comprehensive evaluation etc. Anything which does not support the fundamentals of teaching is if practiced by the teacher can bring a bad name to the school, so a well trained teacher is the requirement of all good schools. If anybody is willing to make a career in teaching can undergo the nursery teacher training or nursery primary teacher training provided by various govt and private institutes. Some good institutes in Delhi like DIET, indoss polytechnic etc. provide such training. A graduate with more than 50% marks can do B.Ed from any ugc approved university. Teacher training courses can be of duration one or two years. But this is for sure that once a person has undergone the teacher training programme, he /she will not be short of employment. This is a zero unemployment profession.  CONTACT DETAILS- 9212441844Location- J-198 IInd Floor, Rajouri Garden opp. Kukreja Hospital

Things I Wished I Had Taught My Children!

But What Did I Know!Many times I have heard parents say "Thank God my children turned out ok in spite of us". I have made the same statement, always with a lot of pride that they did so. Hardly ever do we hear a parent take responsibility for a child that did not grow up "ok". When I think back to the experience I had with three sons growing up, I realize how little I knew about parenting and I marvel that we all made it through to adulthood without too many disastrous situations scarring all of us forever.It is my hope that this information will point to some core values that we can instill in our children as well as ourselves - values which will provide a protective shield to prevent them from being bombarded with distractions and temptations to become less than the unique, productive, creative, outstanding person that they were created to be. I could not impart this information when my sons were growing up as I did not understand enough about core values at that time, other than "thou shalt not steal, lie, kill, or commit adultery". So maybe this advice will help my grandchildren and your children in ways that we may not see the results for quite some time. When that happens, we can believe that we have done the best that we could do to smooth the transition from childhood to adulthood with our children feeling very good about themselves as well.Does this mean that all children learning these core values will never experience drug problems, alcohol problems, crime, or become dysfunctional? Of course not. Despite the best teachings in the world, we all have the ability to make our choices. We can still choose to ignore the teachings, experiment with drugs and alcohol, or decide to undertake a criminal activity. However, we give our children the best chance to avoid these activities if we teach them core values and why it is so important to live by these values in everything they do.I am sure that you can think of other things that you would like to incorporate in your teaching, and I encourage you to do so. Just remember the tv commercial which says "hate is a 4-letter word but so is love". Your child is going to learn more than enough about hate from other sources, so love must be the most important word in your home. Value 1 - Your CreationDo you realize just how special you are? From the minute you were conceived until the minute you were born, you were a miracle - a miracle that God created assisted by your Mom and Dad. There were so many things during that process that could have changed who you are. You overcame incredible odds to be here. You could have been a completely different person, but you survived the greatest struggle to be here and to be uniquely you. Just imagine finishing a puzzle in which all the parts had to be perfect in order to fit together to form this beautiful human person. Then to know that you were not a robot which reacted only to orders or commands of others, but a human being with the ability to make choices - choices which could determine what kind of a person you would become. When you are young, you will wonder whether you really have choices or not as it will probably appear to you that you are constantly being told what you can do and cannot do. Most of the instruction you listen to at this age will be meant to insure your physical safety - "don't touch the candle", "don't touch the stove" "don't put your hands in hot water", don't play around with electricity" - more don't and no's than you could possibly imagine. Unfortunately, parents are so concerned about your physical safety that many times they neglect to recognize the great importance of moral and ethical standards in your training to become a productive, happy, human being.The awesome part of all this learning is that you will find out that you do have choices. When you are told not to do something, you can choose to follow the advice or you can choose to ignore the advice. Whatever your choice, it will have a consequence. If you decide to follow the advice, you can prevent a burn or an electric shock. If you choose not to follow the advice, then you will have to spend sometime recovering from your injuries. The choices seem to get more complex as you grow. Do I do my homework or do I ignore it? Do I get up in the morning so that I can get to school on time or do I want to sleep as long as I can? Do I go to bed at a reasonable hour considering what I must do tomorrow? Do I start smoking cigarettes or do I consider the consequences if I do? Do I start using drugs or alcohol because all my friends are experimenting with their use? Do I drive after I have been drinking? Do I ride with someone who has been drinking? Do I lie about what I am doing? Do I finish my homework? Do I do my Best? Do I continue to Learn?Do I think it is my parents' responsibility to keep me from doing these things? Are my parents really interested in what I do or could they care less because they are too involved in their own problems? Are my parents doing all these things - smoking, drugs, alcohol so why shouldn't I do them as well? I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU. It would be a wonderful world if we all had great parents whose life revolved around providing a great home life for their family, who provided a spiritual foundation in which the whole family participated, who attended all their childrens' school and sports activities, who refrained from cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. Unfortunately, most all families experience some problems which can range from small problems to problems of such proportion that we call them dysfunctional. But remember, those are their choices, not yours.The GOOD News is that you have CHOICESNo matter what your family background, good, not so good or horrible, you have a choice as to what you are going to be. You can look at your family, say that they are a very good family, and that you choose to take all the good things that you see in their life and incorporate them into your own. Or you can look at the same family and choose to do all the things that your family would consider destructive. On the other hand you can look at a not so good family, and decide either to follow exactly what they do or you can decide that you deserve a much better life for yourself. You do not have to make the same choices as your parents, friends, peers make.The reality is that your life can be exactly what you choose it to be. I remember talking to one of my grandsons and asking him how he was doing. He answered that he was not having a very good day. I reminded him that he could choose to make the day a good day or a bad day - it was up to him. What an unusual concept! It is never the incident that determines the outcome - it is our reaction to the incident. How many times have you listened to someone relate something that happened to them years ago and they are still upset about the incident. Reminds me of a little boy that was getting ready to say his prayers at night with his mother listening when he asked his mother to leave the room. The mother asked what he had done that was so bad he didn't want his mother to hear. The little boy said "I can tell God and he will forgive me and forget about it but you would say that you forgive me but keep reminding me over and over again".I have seen families torn apart because someone is still not speaking to someone else because of some hurt that happpened in the past. Think about all the times when you have been confronted with a situation and thought that you didn't have a choice. You always have a choice. Just make sure that the choices you make will help to solve the problem, not to make it worse. Well, what happens if you make a bad choice? You can always reverse that decision as long as your first choice has not resulted in damage to your health that is beyond repair.One of my mentors, George Zalucki, wrote an article called Self-Image and Success which states "Accept yourself as a child of God forever capable of growing and expanding in service to others and yourself. Accept the responsibility to become all that you are capable of becoming, committed to being "Awake" and "Alive" from this day forward. Your self-image sets the boundaries of your accomplishment. You are far more capable that anything you have accomplished to date indicates". Visit www.georgezalucki.com for more wisdom by this talented man.You can become anything you want to become if you want it enough and are willing to do whatever it takes to realize your potential. Take responsibility for being alive. When you were born, you did not hate anyone. You were excited about everything around you. You were eager to learn. You tried new things. Value 2 asks you to realize how special you are, what a miracle your creation was, and that your accomplishments will only be limited by how you feel about yourself. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to accomplish it. If not, you will find excuses. I believe in you.For Values 2 through 10, check out my next article coming soon which will be titled "Good enough is not Good enough." Thank you for listening and reading.Kit Graziolihttp:///kgraz.betternetworker.com